Psychological Counselor​

Psychological Counselor

Counselling psychology is a psychological specialty encompassing research. It is applied for work in several broad domains: counselling process and outcome supervision and training, career development and counselling, and prevention and health.


Behavior problems

Behavior problems can occur in many places, like the house, within the classroom, or on the playground. Common behaviour problems seen in our services are:-

  • Not following directions or rules
  • Physical aggression like hitting, pinching, kicking, or throwing things
  • Temper tantrums
  • Poor impulse control
  • Self-injury like head-banging, hand-biting, self-rubbing and scratching
  • Disruptive behaviours such as screaming or yelling
  • Bedtime/sleep problems
  • Toileting difficulties
  • Social skill problems like not getting alongside peers
  • Habits like hair-pulling, thumb-sucking, or air swallowing

We evaluate the difficulty from many sides, including examining the present environment (functional analysis), assessing the child’s developmental and cognitive skills, and discussing associated issues like intellectual disability, brain injury, or other neuro-developmental disorders. Our treatment approaches include conversation and demonstration of behaviour management strategies, medication management, educational consultation, individual therapy, and family

counselling. We offer a thorough two-week outpatient treatment program and outpatient clinic services.


  • Physical aggression like hitting, pinching, kicking, or throwing things, temper tantrums, and Poor impulse control.
  • Self-injury like head-banging, hand-biting, self-rubbing and scratching. Disruptive behaviours like screaming or yelling.


Children’s temperaments differ, and thus, they’re pretty different in their ability to deal with stress and daily hassles. Some are easygoing naturally and adjust quickly to events and new situations. Others are terrified off balance by changes in their lives. Features and behaviours related to the significant emotional disorder and behavioural problems may include:

  • Aggressive or anti-social behaviour.
  • Inattentiveness, distractibility, and impulsiveness.
  • Impaired social interactions.
  • A general inability to affect the repetitive of daily tasks.
  • Obsessive and repetitive behaviours.
  • Attention-seeking behaviours like negative interactions or a poor attitude towards work, peers or teachers.
  • Depressed behaviours like withdrawal, anxiety and mood swings.

Some students with emotional disorders and behavioural problems have negative self-concepts and low self-esteem. In the classroom, students could also be frequently off-task and should adversely affect the training of some others. Students may have difficulties working in groups and forming relationships. Students may demonstrate aggression towards others or refuse to cooperate

  • Bullying/cyber bullying (61%)
  • Not enough exercise (60%)
  • Unhealthy eating (57%)
  • Drug abuse (56%)
  • Internet safety (55%)
  • Child abuse and neglect (53%)
  • Suicide (45%)
  • Depression (44%)
  • Teen pregnancy (43%)
  • tress (43%)


Developmental concerns include delays or abnormal patterns of development in the areas of communication/language, motor skills, problem-solving or social and adaptive behaviour. These concerns are usually supported compared to other children of an equivalent age. Many children with developmental fears have problems in several areas. Children through developmental concerns may be evaluated by a neurodevelopmental pediatrician, child neurologist, or other physician to assess for underlying disorders or medical conditions that may lead to developmental concerns. Evaluations by specialists in speech-language pathology, physiotherapy, physical therapy and neuropsychology are often crucial to understanding and treating these problems.



Social isolation is a comprehensive or near-complete lack of contact between individuals and society. It is dissimilar from loneliness, which reflects a momentary and unintentional lack of communication with other beings.


Under confusion, a person feels the fight to pay thought, and a person undergoes a lack of ability to reason, act suitably and make verdicts. But your career is no pushover matter that you can leave to destiny. The best way to face up to career confusion is to recognize your passion.


Self-harm, also known as self-injury. It is defined as the planned, direct hurting of body tissue, done without any purpose to commit suicide. Other terms, such as cutting and self-mutilation, have been used for any self-harming behaviour regardless of suicidal intent.


People are often described as having either high self-esteem, meaning they think very well of themselves and their talents, or low confidence, meaning they are filled with doubts and condemnations about themselves and their capabilities. People with low self-esteem may experience many problems in their lives.



Couples get into trouble when they’re frightened, to be honest — usually because they think the reality will upset their partner and might jeopardize the relationship. They don’t express their hurt or ask for the love or support they want, or they do so in a way that’s critical or blaming.


A group of circumstances associated with the rise or lowering of a person’s mood, such as depression or bipolar complaint. Depression is a mood disorder that causes a stubborn feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Also called major depressive sickness or clinical depression, it affects how you sense, reason and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical difficulties.


Aims to clarify the doubts that people have about marriage before they actually get into it. Helping two individuals comprehend their fears about marriage, solving greater doubts about major decisions like children and money. Premarital counselling helps couples increase their ability to interconnect, set genuine expectations for marriage and develop conflict-resolution skills. In addition, premarital counselling can help couples establish a positive attitude about looking for help down the road.